200 State Street
Charlevoix, MI 49720
Phone: 231-547-6322
Email: newsletterceccvx@gmail.com

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We are located in downtown Charlevoix, one block from US-31. You will find us at the corner of State Street and Clinton Street. We are the beautiful white church with the red doors. Parking is easily available on any of the streets. Our building is handicapped accessible. Please enter the State Street entrance to the Parish Hall. An elevator is located to the left of the entry giving you access to the main floor and the undercroft.

As you enter either of the red doors on the corner, you will be greeted and provided a service bulletin prepared for that day. The bulletin is your guide to the church service. You will note that hymn numbers are listed in the bulletin. The large red books in each pew are the hymnals or song books. Our rector may refer to the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) which is the smaller red book in each pew. Most of the service, contained in the Book of Common Prayer has been duplicated in the service bulletin. When you are asked to use the BCP, you will be guided to the page number.

Please sit where ever you are the most comfortable. If you are concerned about where to sit, an usher will be happy to help you find a seat.

Our Sunday worship service takes place at 10:00 a.m. and usually lasts a little more than an hour.

All baptized Christians are welcome and invited to come to the Lord’s table. Come forward to the altar rail as the ushers direct you and take the next available place. You may kneel or stand. Receive the Communion bread from the priest in your open right palm. You may choose to receive the wine directly from the chalice by gently guiding it to your lips as the Eucharist Minister presents it to you or you may intinct (dip the bread into the wine). If you choose not to receive the wine, simply cross your arms on your chest after you receive the bread. You may return to your pew following your taking of Communion. If it is physically difficult for you to come to the altar rail, please tell an usher and Communion will be brought to where you are seated.
If you or your children would like to receive a blessing from the priest at the altar rail in lieu of Communion, come forward just as you would to receive Communion and cross your arms over your chest. Ask your children to do the same.

You are cordially invited to join us following worship service for coffee, tea, refreshments and fellowship. This is a great time to meet others and learn about some of our outreach and church activities. We gather in the fellowship hall.

Membership is open to all baptized people. You will need to register your baptism with us. If you have a copy of your baptismal certificate, or if you need to obtain one from the church where you were baptized, our staff will happily help you register your baptism.

What are the expectations of membership?

1 – Regular Worship Attendance
The gifts of life and grace God offers in Jesus Christ are sacred. In worship, we pray, we sing, we hear the words of Holy Scripture, and we experience the presence of Christ in the Holy Communion and in one another. All of these acts are offered in thanksgiving and praise to God. Worship helps strengthen and renew us so that our faith becomes more than something we do just for an hour once a week.

2 – Invest Time and Talent
We know that time is a great commodity in our lives today; however, time is also God’s gift to us for life and love. We give of our own time in order to reflect God’s graciousness and generosity. Furthermore, everyone has talents that God calls us to use. Membership here means a commitment to find and invest your God-given talents in a way that fits with who you are and who you’d like to become.

3 – Pledge Annually
Christ Church is a self-funded parish. Without the annual pledges of parishioners, we would never be able to offer the community or you the spiritual resources we do. Annual pledges help us budget for the year and offer each of us a chance to renew our commitment to the work of Christ Church in Charlevoix.

How can I arrange to be baptized or have members of my family baptized? If you haven’t been baptized before, we would be happy to work with you to arrange that.

In Baptism, we as a church community celebrate the momentous and joyous occasion of welcoming a new member of the Body of Christ. The Episcopal Church recognizes and affirms both adult and infant baptism. Adult baptism may serve to remind us that we need to take responsibility for our relationship with God in Christ ourselves. Infant baptism serves to remind us we can’t have a relationship with God without the help of the community.

There is no such thing as a private baptism in The Episcopal Church. Accordingly, all baptisms take place during public worship. Furthermore, all parents, godparents, and candidates attend a class and rehearsal before a baptism takes place, making sure that the day of the Baptism is as worry-free and meaningful as possible.

I am a member of another Episcopal parish.  How do I become a member of Christ Church? If you are a member of another Episcopal Church, then the registration of your baptism comes in the form of a Letter of Transfer. A Letter of Transfer from your former parish will register your baptism here.

Please request a letter of transfer from the church office.  Return it to the office or mail it to Christ Episcopal Church, P. O. Box 385, Charlevoix, MI  49720.

What about confirmation?
All baptized members are encouraged to consider confirmation in the Episcopal Church. Confirmation involves a commitment to learn more about yourself, about Christ Church, and about the Episcopal Church. Your journey will culminate in a special service during which the bishop confirms and/or receives you into the fellowship of the Episcopal Church and worldwide Anglican Communion. Details will be available through the Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan.

You can become a member by baptism, transfer or reaffirmation. All the ways are easy. Please talk with a member of the vestry if you would like more information.

Please feel comfortable asking questions and seeking information. Visitor brochures and a guest book are available at the back of the church. A visitor card is located in each pew. If you would like to be contacted, please fill it out and place it in the offering plate or give it to an usher. One of us will contact you. Of course we welcome direct inquiries.  You can also email us by going to the Contact Us page on this website.

We invite you...

to join us! Our Sunday morning worship service (Rite II with Holy Eucharist) begins at 10:00 a.m. with a coffee hour following in our Parish Hall.

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