In our mission statement, worship is listed as our first priority. We invite you to join us for Sunday morning worship at 10:00 a.m. We use Rites I and II (which are traditional Episcopalian worship liturgies). Hymns we sing are primarily from The Hymnal 1982 and The Worship & Rejoice Hymnal.
Our members take an active part in our worship services. Please let our parish administrator know if you would like to be scheduled for any of the worship ministries (read the lessons, lead the prayers of the people, greet, serve as an usher, host coffee hour, join the Altar Guild). Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) require special training. Please let Dorothy Miller know if you would like to be included in a training class.
You can find the current ministry schedule by going to “Ministries” in the menu bar at the top of the page.
Lay Eucharist Ministers assist the priest during communion. They also are able to lead Morning Prayer and other occasional services. Lay Eucharist Visitors are trained ministers who bring the Eucharist of the homes of parishioners unable to attend church. If you or a family member would like to have communion brought to your home, please call the church office at 231-547-6322 and we will arrange a visit.
Greeters are the first people worshipers see when they enter the church on Sunday. They give a warm welcome to parishioners and visitors.
On Sunday and during other services, ushers greet individuals entering the church and distribute the weekly service bulletin. They assist with the Offertory and present the bread and wine to be blessed. During communion, they help direct communicants and assist with special needs.
Rick Wertz, our head Usher/Greeter, has developed information sheets for Ushers and Greeters. You can access them on our Links page under worship resources.
to join us! Our Sunday morning worship service (Rite II with Holy Eucharist) begins at 10:00 a.m. with a coffee hour following in our Parish Hall.